• "God invented war so Americans could learn geography" -- Mark Twain.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Kissinger rebukes Liberal Democratic Crusade

Although it is a dubious honour, Dr. Henry Kissinger has endorsed the Woodchip Gazette's analysis of the Ukrainian Crisis....

In interviews given over the past two weeks, Henry Kissinger has all but rebuked Biden's warmongering policy. Kissinger has stated:

1. The new catastrophic destructiveness of non nuclear weapons is a technological change which necessitates a diplomatic and geopolitical rethinking. (Aka - don't sleep walk into Armageddon.)

2. We should not seek "regime change" in Russia (or China); nor should we frame the issue as Manichean confrontation between "democracy and authoritarianism." We can use that distinction in our analysis of situations but not as a strategic goal.

3. We should likewise recognize that Russia IS part of Europe, has been so for 400 years, and has interests in this region. (Aka Screw Zbigniew Brzezinski and his Grand Roll Back wet dream.)

4. We need to seek a negotiated solution to the crisis within the next two months, before things take on an irreversible momentum of their own, and which will return to the status quo ante. (Aka Donbas to Ukraine; Crimea to Russia.) Pursuing the war beyond that point would not be about the freedom of Ukraine, but a new war against Russia itself.

Last but not least: Dr. K cautioned against the "Enthusiasm of the moment" --- which is what a seasoned diplomat calls Lindsay Graham's spitting salivating snarling for war.